Basic Info

Original Creation:

January 2017


i love my bed - Socks

basic info

  • name: socks, socks “jewel” wickham
  • titles: ruler of dreams city, princess socks
  • pronouns: they/she & bun/bunself, pup/pupself
  • gender: demigirl bunpupgender
  • species: bunny + puppy hybrid, has a plush body - ink sparks, dreamers, wish splotches

species info

socks species come with multiple names, but the one they often hear most are wish splotches.  they are known for their very magical creativity, often born from an intense desire to create and if they end up being born premature like the princess has, the creativity that sustains them until either their soul loses their ink, or drags on the prebirth stage long enough to be stabilized.  their species also has a strong connection to the moon considering a lot of their more instinctual wishing and imagining happens during their dreams or sleep.   


being a premie and also a princess means that while she has duties to keep the planet safe, given the nature of their species makes it pretty easy. anything and everything the imaginary friends need can just be imagined or wished up, freeing up their time to go on vacations or adventures. despite her troubled birth, the closer they got to the full moon made the connection even that more potent. 

so when she was forming, her parents realized their soul was being created before the proper time. they rushed the forming ink heart soul over to the laboratory that was in wayward forest and they went right to work to try and slow down the process and prepare a more stable body so that any and all mishaps can be easily fixed with the right stitching. the night of her birth was definitely an omen to the parents that their child is nothing short of a miracle. especially when you put in mind that this particular night happened to be a full moon, and everything fused together and completed by night as well. due to the strong magic of the full moon caused the blank canvas of a body take on colors of the moon - white, gray and black.  

while the princess definitely has her struggles, the magic that the moon provided proved to be a much needed blessing. while most wish splotches just have art mediums to work with, the moon that keeps her alive and well, also provides a planetwide mirror so that wherever she may be.  they can keep an eye on everything even while cupid and pawsley looks after the city. it also gives them the ability to create portals, which is another ability their species doesn't have.  


besides enjoying all life has to offer, they also enjoy:

  • relaxing in their room
  • enjoying pastel fields
  • roaming the lab that helped stabilize her

they are often low energy so keeping things peaceful with ease helps on the bad days.  

she also is stunted in the way their mind is stuck in the kid age, so the kingdom often helps run things when they are unable to.  despite being very grateful for the life they have, there is quite a bit of blanks in her memory due to all the things they endured just to survive 

they speak in beeps, static and "sparkling sounds," yet despite this everyone can understand what she is saying perfectly. however, there are "glitches" in her speak that would translate in stuttering or tripping over sounds or words.