
30 days, 17 hours ago


Mimi is actually a mimic that was able to successfully morph into a human, one of the very rare few actually, if not the only one. The woman she morphed into was actually an adventurer that she’d encountered a long time past and really liked the look of. She took some creative liberties and made the look her own, hence the uneven and choppy hair. Though with being a mimic also made the body incorporate some of her mimic traits, I.e. her eyes and stomach mouth.

She doesn’t have her own voice, nor is she highly articulate with words, so her way of speaking is almost like a child and her voice is constantly changing to different voices that she’s heard before to match the words she wants to speak. But despite that, she’s actually highly intelligent and can understand people speaking to her perfectly fine. She’s still able to morph into inanimate object but prefers staying as a human. 

As any normal mimic, she’s immune to acid and can see in the dark but is also sensitive to sunlight. Since she’s one of the very rare mimics that can successfully morph into a human, she’s able to use that to her advantage to either blend in or lure in her food.