


1 month, 10 days ago



"I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us" - romans 8:18

Vespasien Bissonnette

A beautiful angel who is the commander and chief of all angels in the pit of corruption. Beware, for he is not what he advocates himself to be. 

Vespasien is super impatient, condescending and ill-mouthed. He only keeps his smile until he is inconvenienced (which is all the time, he is dissapointed by everyone). A very well-known pathological liar and wants to get his way until the new world is safe from all harm. Vespasien despises childish things btw erm bio bio HELP

starts sweating and badmouthing when someone points out his lies + when sweating, his left eye always closes and opens rapidly (he is super angry) + cannot differentiate between good and evil

- does not ballroom dance often because he prefers to conduct the music. Plays the cello!

6'3 - appears 30 - male - Theme: Spectre - Christian Death 

angel lore: In a new world ruled by the angel of deception, there are four separate places! Vespasien in particular is from the pit of corruption, its said to be a heavenly place where angels dance perpetually, ballroom dancing forever until a "threat" appears! They will protect the new world from any disaster. All angels are set up to be soldiers and are all pathological liars with ulterior motives.