


25 days, 18 hours ago


Name: Discordia

Real Name: Yeqon

Element: Wind

Path: Nihility

Affiliation: The Family | The Iris Family

Homeworld: Penacony

Discordia is a native Halovian of Penacony and a famed opera singer. Their strong voice and singing style drew the attention of many across the cosmos, bringing all walks of life to Penacony to see them perform. Spectators and critics alike have nothing, but praises for them. Their commitment to the craft, the passion in the roles they play, the life in each song they sing, surely a disciplined actor & muscian! They were no Robin in status, but Discordia laid a path for themselves to strike their mark on the entertainment scene.

However, that's not enough for The Iris Family. In true hind sight, no matter what they do, it will never be enough. Born Yeqon, they were blessed by the Harmony as their resonance with it was strong, perhaps a little too strong. Such promise. Such potential, all for it to go to naught... Yeqon has been regarded as a scourge to the Family due to their personal frequncies being "out of tune" despite their connection with the Harmony. They went through many sessions of retuning only for the frequencies to go back to how they were. The synesthesia of the harmonic colors were off and the cords were off key. And yet, the songs they sang were still beautiful. 

Beautiful as the songs were, there was no way an “off key” Halovian could take center stage. They had to be perfect in every way like Robin was. Throughout their career, Yeqon was dubbed, “Discordia the Banshee” for their high pitches and wails during performances. Within The Family, they are called “Mockingbird” much to their chagrin…

In the public eye, Yeqon goes by their stage name to make things easier. Only those they are close to call them by their real name. They usually take residence at the Dream’s Edge.

Their play style is using their voice as a weapon. Sonic screams and wails like a true Banshee. They are able to utilize Wind Shred as a Wind user. The Nihilistic aspect is that they can also inflict the Bleed effect on enemies. Their technique on the field is an impairment called “Rupture” where enemies are disoriented and lose their first turn of Action while their Skill causes Dissonance where enemies’ attack DMG is either lowered, redirected to another enemy or on the attacker themselves. Leveling a Trace gives a chance that an attack is rendered useless. Their Ult ability casts a field that’s a DoT & lasts for 3 turns inflicting heavier Bleed effect & Wind Shred and lowers DEF by a set percentage.