


1 month, 16 days ago


Kit Name: Frecklekit

Medicine Cat Apprentice Name: Frecklepaw 

Medicine Cat Name: Freckleleaf 

Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice 

Mentor: Roseleaf 

Family: Tba 

A small cat with a BIG personality. Frecklepaw is Roseleaf's second apprentice.

Frecklekit lost her only brother to hypothermia when they were three moons old. His death rattled Frecklekit but she tried not to let the grief control her life. After her brother's death Frecklepaw's mother became depressed and somewhat lifeless. Frecklekit took it up on herself to try and cheer her mother up but there was only so much she could do. The days Fecklekit spent in the nursery after her brother's death were much quieter than the ones before and Frecklekit quickly found herself even more impatient about becoming an apprentice.

Frecklekit reached six moons shortly after Rowanpaw's death and went and asked Roseleaf directly if Roseleaf would train her shortly before her apprentice ceremony. At first Roseleaf wasn't sure what to say, she was still grieving for Rowanpaw and blamed herself for what happened to her but Frecklekit was insistent about being trained as a med cat. When Leopardstar heard about Frecklekit's desire to train as a medicine cat who pretty much took the choice away from Roseleaf, saying that she would be taking on Frecklekit as an apprentice and that was that. Frecklekit wasn't pleased about Roseleaf being forced into being her teacher but she was excited about being allowed to train as a medicine cat. 

After receiving her apprentice name Frecklepaw quickly through herself into her studies. She was very chatty, but knew how to listen to and was very skilled at multitasking. She learned quick and was always proud when she was able to show off what she had learned to Roseleaf. 

As a medicine cat, even as an apprentice, Frecklepaw saw more of Leopardstar and hears more of his plans than the average cat. It didn't take long for her to grow disapproving of Leopardstar and his way of doing things, remarking that he was "getting himself into messes he one day won't be able to get out of" on more than one occasion. Frecklepaw saw Leopardstar as a sort of bully, which wasn't completely untrue and would always bristle whenever Leopardstar talked over or ordered Roseleaf around. Where Roseleaf had more or less given up complaining and just rolled with the leader's orders Frecklepaw had no problem calling the leader out for his behavior, much to his displeasure. As she grew older Frecklepaw and Leopardstar's relationship continued to be a tense one, with Roseleaf often caught in the middle. Frecklepaw tried to be civil with Leopardstar for her mentor's sake but sometimes she just couldn't keep her mouth shut. 

Frecklepaw's apprentice went much better than Roseleaf's had gone and when Roseleaf decided to give Frecklepaw her full Medicine Cat name it was because she knew Frecklepaw was ready for it, not as a way to relieve herself of teaching. Freckleleaf was overjoyed with the name Roseleaf chose and never stopped learning under Roseleaf's guidance.

Extra Info 

- Frecklepaw often gets into full blown arguments with Leopardstar over his behavior. She fully believes that being a leader is no excuse for acting like a jerk and has always been more than willing to call Leopardstar out. 

- Frecklepaw's medicine cat name came from a conversation between her and Roseleaf from when Frecklepaw was still a new apprentice. Frecklepaw had been telling Roseleaf how pretty her name was and had said "I hope my medicine cat name is as pretty is!" Roseleaf had been a bit surprised but committed the conversation to memory.