Johnny Guitar



23 days, 11 hours ago


Johnny Guitar

AGE: 23




Johnny mainly only goes out at night. He rarely can be seen without his glasses. His favorite past time is staying up late and watching zombie movies. Despite only going out at night he's almost as chatty as Crane's Cafe or Jack Pepsi. No one really knows what the keys on his pants go to. He dyed his hair when he was 15 and kept with it ever since. Tends to flick his ear when he is nervous. Johnny would much rather be listening to 90's grunge/punk then anything else. Johnny is sarcastic a lot of the times. His birth name was Casey, but after moving out he changed it. His house is littered with failed drawings and guitar strings. You can catch him dozing off at his desk from staying up for 5 days straight. Much like Heart he also uses a MP3 player to listen to his music or a casette player.

Does most of the math work for his friend group. His ear piercing came from Heart trying a new hobby. Favorite band of Johnnys is Pearl Jam. His drum set is the only thing not broken in his house. There are some lyrics on his house wall, but due to his handwriting no one really knows what they are. When he is awake during the day he can be seen looking over his balcony people watching while smoking. He fidgets with whatever wires or anything he can fidget with. Has a few plants he looks after. Doesn't have a cell phone and refuses to own one. Johnny is gay and has a crush on Crane, but refuses to admit to it. Johnny hates talking about his feelings and would rather avoid it at all costs. Loves to wear layers and tends to always wear a plaid shirt, a jacket, a t shirt even on the really hot days. Often reeks of cigarette and diesel for some reason. With how tall he is his only friends ask him to get things they can't reach.


Johnnys personality is a mix of teenage angst and tired 23 year old. He can be rather sarcastic. Even though he is chatty he can be cold and quiet. Sighs quite often when he is asked a question at work. Johnny tends to make snide comments and regrets it later. He spends a lot of time at home. Fusses way too much over his hair. Gets rather upset if something has changed slightly.

He has a hard time making friends. Johnny tends to distant himself when he feels someone getting close. Puts himself down a lot. Blames himself when something goes wrong and wasn't even his fault. Tells himself to keep quiet when he wants to comment on something he knows about. Thinks he is a burden 99% of the time.


Crane's Cafe

Crane looks past how sarcastic Johnny can be. Always tries to get Johnny to come to his house parties because they are such close friends.

Heart Shaped Box

Another one of his close friends. Heart counts himself lucky to be friends with Johnny even if he acts like Johnny is a annoyance.

Jack Pepsi

Jack tries his best to stay up just to hang out with Johnny. Always asks Johnny how his day is going only to get a sigh in respond, but Jack keeps trying because they are close friends.