


30 days, 17 hours ago


Havenna is a young female Dewwing. She is very caring and Kind, but can be shy. She works as a healer along with other Dewwings. She knows about every herb in the area and farther out. She even knows some that arent known by other healers. She found an herb that when made into tea, has a pink color with a subtle glow to it. The tea can help with stomach aches and other things. (She deals with stomach aches herself from time to time) Her soft and kind appearance help to calm down stressed dragons. She will even use her Dew Manipulation to distract dragonets/ hatchlings. A side job of being a healer, she also will help animals. She loves reptiles and birds especially, but will help any in need. When shes at work, shes good to talk and interact with other dragons, but when shes not at work, with friends, or in large groups, she tends to be quiet and shy.

When shes at home, she loves to tend her garden. Flowers like Lilies, Roses, Azaleas, Lotus' and of course, Lily of the Valley! When not tending her garden, she also loves to make jewelry with her dew manipulation, and occasionally will paint stained glass.

When shes out on walks, she often goes into small ponds near her home, keeping her scales wet. Its common for small lily pads an some duckweeds to get stuck on her scales. Sometimes she falls asleep and when she wakes up, realizes that there are frogs sleeping her her tail flowers.

More lore may be added eventually. I need to sort how i have my lore set up better. Ima move the current info on her initial docs to a new one so its all there, and here ill do the basic info on her