
1 month, 7 days ago


AGE: 24


Hemlocke is genderfluid but I will be sticking to one pronoun tor their story!


Hemlocke has always been interested in flowers, more specifically poisonous ones and their effects! they would search out these flowers as a kid, sometimes ingesting them (idiot). but surprisingly..! hemlocke is not affected by the effects of these flowers, which confused them.

As they grew older, they began to study toxicology, even securing a spot as a scientist! Hemlocke was never quiet about their interest in these flowers, earning them the title "flower fanatic" from their coworkers.

Hemlocke, however! is vveryyy interested in seeing the effects of these flowers take place in real time. one verryyy fateful evening, hemlocke is making tea for one of their co workers, who also can be called their close friend. They slipped toxic hemlock (heh) leaves into their friends tea, playing it off as a fancy British thing. Their friend, trusting hemlocke, unknowingly consumed the tea, which, as you can guess, led to them experiencing the effects of it ( and ultimately dying . This set a spark in hemlocke, feeling even more curious. Yeah sure they basically just killed their best friend, but its all for the sake of scieenncee!


hemlocke is always described as "weird" or "unsettling" by their coworkers, which in turn earns hemlocke quite a popular reputation. They dont experience remorse, or any guilty emotions, and infact take joy in watching people suffer through the effects of poison! Hemlocke is very loud and often just drops random information without asking.