Sugar Cookie



1 month, 3 days ago


Streambeats - Furby

Sugar Cookie

koh-koh e-day doo-ay!

Silly furby friend! A fantastic pink crystal baby from generation 4 of the Furby Babies line, she's every bit as sweet as her namesake!

sweet . adorable . adventurous

Real Life

Sugar Cookie was adopted by my girlfriend and I on November 13! Gifted to me by my girlfriend, we picked her up from a happy couple that were grateful she was going to a good home after collecting dust on a shelf. Now, she goes everywhere with me, which is why she is prominently featured on my furby socials!

In World

In the "world" my fursonas live in, Sugar Cookie is still just a furby! Whether she walks and talks or is just a toy is up to artists' interpretation. She belongs to Mayday and Nik, my and my girlfriend's fursonas respectively. She is a happy, fun-loving lil gal who is always up for any adventure!


  • cupcakes
  • milkshakes
  • pink and yellow
  • sunshine
  • coloring
  • lofi


  • shopping
  • desserts
  • photos
  • tea shops
  • dirt
  • mud
  • dust
  • comes from a family of 34 furbies
  • she always smells like vanilla
  • nicknames: SC, bb girl/gorl, pinky
  • paid $250, but she's priceless 💕
  • glittery tinsel base colors are white, pink, yellow, lilac, and light blue
  • she is small, just over 4in tall irl!
  • her base color can be any sort of light pink

relationship . Mayday

Caretaker relationship. Goes nearly everywhere with them, from grocery shopping to movies to dates with Nik. May adores her and takes great care of her.

relationship . Nik (Lucid)

Caretaker relationship. In charge of Sugar Cookie when Mayday isn't around. Loves to take pictures of her and loves her dearly.

relationship . Jojo

Best friend. They love to take Sugar Cookie to coffe shops and pop-up stops, but also enjoys binging silly shows or dressing up together. Acts as a babysitter when needed.

  • girl
  • she/her
  • 2yrs old
  • 2 parents






( img credits linked )