


5 years, 8 months ago


  cold hands



Name: Retro

Age: 20

gender: female

sexuality: aromantic/straight

 : mornings, sweet fruit, sour candy, looking like a cool kid, soft music, colors, plant, she enjoys climbing trees and doing physical activities only in the winter or cold climates. other than that most of her time is spent inside.

 : meat, loud noises, hot weather, sunny days, night time

personality: very friendly but wont talk unless you approach her. She is extremely observant and hard to read. She picks up on small details and does not forget certain information that easy. She gets nervous in public, this causes her to be really quiet. She often discludes herself from a lot of activities and feels forgotten, emotionless, and empty at times. 

physical information: has feminine accents, is very slim due to eating nothing but fruit (she eats a lot tho, so its not anorexia) she has very weak upper body strength and cant carry most things, even young children have beaten her in arm wrestles. She can run quite fast though and does not get tired quickly.  

powers/abilities: she remembers things easily and will notice the slightest detail

important info: She has one round eye with a large pupil, this eye can change sides on her face but normally stays on the left (side without bangs/hair)