Lilac + Lavender's Comments

You have a pigeon!!!!!! Omg adorable. I’ve always wanted one myself but don’t know any good rescues/breeders near me

Yeah! My dad was actually the one who rescued her ^^
She was stuck in the mine he works at with a few others and we're going to see if we can get them out too

Awwwwe! I hope he can get them out 🥺 would you adopt them too? A little flock 

Hopefully! <3

Thout you might want an update <3 

We managed to get another out! Lilacs pretty happy to have a friend haha


Awwwwes!!!thank you for the update! Do you think you’ll stay with a naming scheme from lilac? Like another flower and/or color? 

Np! I ended up naming her Lavender, so yep haha