


25 days, 19 hours ago

Basic Info


Phighting! (Roblox)








Skelly, Friend, Skells












Bean Sanctuary Owner (Like an animal sanctuary but instead of animals, it's phighter beans)




"Karma hurts, doesn't it?"



Skelly is a short demon with slightly tanned skin, making her skin a very light grey. Her hair is white, short, and wavy, sticking out in awkward ways. Her eyes are always squinted as if stuck from always smiling but she can be seen making other faces exaggeratedly. Her eyes are typically white and pupil-less but when she is feeling a strong emotion (usually that of horror or disgust) she will manifest small, black pupils. She has 4 small horns with the bottom two resembling skateboard's horns and the top two being cone-shaped and pointing up. Her horns are a dark magenta with light magenta tips. She has a beauty mark under her lip on the right side of her chin. Skelly can always be seen wearing a long-sleeved shirt with a crescent cut out in the chest. Attached to the underside of the sleeves are translucent black fabrics that resemble bat wings. When working, she removes the bat wing fabric. Alongside her black shirt, she wears a black mini-skirt with a white stripe just above the trim. She wears fishnet stockings and black, knee-high socks with white stripes at the knees. Finally, she wears black platform boots that bring her height up to 5'0".

When acting as her alter ego, Orbit, she wears a white mask with white eyes and painted-on bangs. She wears a black beret with long black fabric out the back, acting as a wig and hiding Skelly's real hair. Her outfit resembles that of a mime, with black and white striped sleeves and leggings. A large grey bow sits on her collarbone and her turtleneck top is tucked into her black, high-waisted shorts. Like a mime, she wears white gloves. Instead of boots, she wears lace-up sneakers.


Skelly is a friendly demon with a love for beans. She claims to hate phighting but this is because she is incredibly weak and doesn't want to embarrass herself by trying. She is almost always upbeat and silly to the point that some believe she is on something, but she's just like that. She gets flustered easily and gets socially awkward when meeting famous people in person. Skelly is passionate about her hobbies and at her bean daycare/sanctuary, she is protective of the beans and doesn't mess around when it comes to their wellbeing. When she sees someone being too rough, she is nice enough to give them a warning but if they keep it up, she doesn't hesitate to kick them out. In more extreme cases, she will ban them and take their photo to display it for everyone to see. She is patient and tries to avoid conflict with other demons, going as far as to leave her gear at home to prevent escalation. Skelly isn't fond of her gear as it gets in the way of her getting close to others and scares people away. She is so fearful of her gear that she keeps it locked in a safe when she is out of the house so it can't attack others. She does her best to avoid being negative and snapping at others when provoked and saves her rage for her alter ego.

Orbit, Skelly's alter ego, is her opposite. She is quiet, territorial, defensive, and unrelenting. When around others, she is neutral and keeps to herself but when provoked in any negative way (insulted, hit, touched her stuff, etc) she quickly grows hostile and will attack. Her scariest trait is how unrelenting she is. If her opponent attempts to flee after attacking, she will give chase and not stop until she has gotten revenge. Fleeing is extremely difficult as her gear is always honed in once triggered. Orbit never speaks first and when she sees someone nearby, she will not take her eyes off them until she is sure they are gone. She won't get closer or move back the whole time, just watch them. Another thing that makes her scary is how quiet she is. She never insults others or shows any emotion when idle or attacking. Orbit responds to others in short, monotone sentences and the rudest thing she'll ever do is ask someone to leave her alone, even if they're well-meaning. She doesn't like receiving help from others and prefers to be alone. She sees receiving help as owing someone something in the future, which she doesn't want to deal with. Unlike Skelly, Orbit actively uses her gear and is never seen without it. When not in a phight, she holds it in her arms close to her body. When phighting, she allows it to float around her and will even give it commands like a guard animal.

Gear and Abilities

Skelly's gear is Skelefriend, a plushie with a skeleton pattern. During phights, Skelly can either hold or have Skelefriend orbit around her. If an opponent physically hurts her in any way, Skelefriend will retaliate by doing double the damage that the opponent originally did by shooting a projectile at the opponent. Skelefriend isn't very sentient and only knows rage. When Skelly has been hurt, Skelefriend will hone in on whoever attacked and will fire projectiles until one makes contact, then it will calm down and continue orbiting. Skelefriend can't be separated from Skelly and the farthest it can levitate is 2 feet. If it wants to get closer to shoot more accurate projectiles at a fleeing opponent, Skelly will have to chase her opponent so Skelefriend can get closer. Skelly can hold Skelefriend like a normal plushie and can almost wield it like a blaster to shoot projectiles but she prefers to let it float and do its own thing since it will flail and growl if she tries to get in its way. Skelefriend will never hurt Skelly and is only trying to protect her and dish out revenge, but will never listen to her if she were to beg it to stop attacking people. The only way Skelly can get it to stop is by running away from her opponent and forcing Skelefriend to follow. Once enough distance has been made and neither Skelly nor Skelefriend can see the opponent, Skelefriend will have a 5-minute cooldown until becoming neutral again. Once neutral, it will not attack Skelly's opponent until they hurt her again. Skelefriend is a double-edged sword as it can do great damage to opponents, continue attacking while Skelly is down, and has no cooldown, but Skelly must be hurt for it to activate, and will only get stronger the more damage she takes. Not enough damage and Skelefriend is weak, too much damage and Skelly is in danger.

An ability that comes naturally to Skelly is her quietness. When moving, she is silent and can sneak up on others easily. She mainly does this to avoid people.