Captain Tarium



29 days, 22 hours ago



Tarium is a somewhat old Observer (by Observer standards) that has served as captain of many battles. They are never battles for a civilization he belongs to himself - rather, he is leased by his cloaked makers to other societies. His services are heavily sought after since, up until his very latest endeavor, his advanced strategies has helped secure victory for every single battle he has been a part of.

His downfall started with the most recent battle he participated in: one occurring on the planet of Holisanct, a feud between a deity, their creations, and the sacred lifeforms that took residence there long ago. The technologically-illiterate lifeforms reached out to a much more advanced society to recruit war machines and gain the upper hand in a battle they were sorely loosing. The beginning of the end was written on the wall when some of the fleets were revealed to be defective. Tarium was working with faulty battlebots... but it wasn't necessarily a doomed situation in itself even though each decision he was making kept frustratingly leading to poor results. The doom spelled itself out when he started to get attached to one of the angelblaster generals and had a moment of empathetic weakness. In an attempt to appease him, he submitted a request to reverse a decision to scrap one of the faulty fleets. He was deemed past his prime and absolved of duty. This caused him to unravel and he is still recovering.

With nowhere to go and nothing to show after over 400 years of servitude, he let the general drag him into an escape pod. It was there that he, the general, and... a stowaway?? would embark on a journey to find a society that would be capable of turning the tides of the war and reclaim the victory they were clammering for.

Like all Observers, he is rather unbiased in his morals, merely following his directive. He recognizes the objective merit in having an empathetic outlook but considers discarding perspective if he feels that it is making him weaker. His favorite pasttime is discussing philosophy with those he finds mentally stimulating. If he doesn't find you interesting in some way, he won't even bother with entertaining a discussion. He wants others to aggressively challenge his beliefs and tell him why they think he's wrong. He's actually rather open minded, you just have to be convincing. His biggest weakness is getting attached to people - he can be quite passionate. To those he's not attached to, he's cantankerous and disinterested.

When he projects the surface of a planet on his head, it can be manipulated by hand to rotate and zoom in on very small details. The data that feeds him these images come from nanosatellites that were mass-released all over their galaxy an incredibly long time ago. He refuses to speak anything other than his native language of bleeps and bloops and a very mechanical version of Star Language (even though he can understand nearly every language spoken to him - if not, he can easily download an internal translator).