02 ♡ Jess 🌩️



25 days, 3 hours ago


Name Jess
Age 20s
Species Raichu
Pronouns He/She
Hobbies Writing/Creating
Theme ♫ ♪ ♫







Hot weather

Being objectified

Resilient ⚡ Scrappy ⚡ Attentive

A Raichu with a bit of attitude, love for adventure, and want for living a fufilling life that tries what she can to make it all count. Her demeanor and overall optimism is an active effort to combat harsh experiences she had to, and sometimes still has to face. Her genuine connections are extremely important and the care for those close to her is boundless. She just wants to have a good time, or make one, with whatever she's given. Other things that bring her joy are creating characters and stories, going outside or somewhere lively, listening to songs on repeat, and rambling on about her favorite things. Also very much loves her girlfriend, witch.

Despite her amicable exterior, however, she struggles with socializing and making connections that feel authentic to her. Her past of overly appeasing was met with unfavorable results, so when struggling to connect, she's usually left quiet and in her thoughts a lot more. She finds no need to force herself when around her innermost relations, so that's where she usually stays. Even so, she's typically considered a voice of reason amongst others and reliable when anyone's in need of help. She hates being taken advantage of because of her kindness, or not taken seriously because she is considered "small and cute". She's not afraid to make snarky remarks and shock the ever living hell out of whoever decides to test her.

HTML by Pinky