

Imaginary • Nihility 


Forgetful, lazy, rarely takes anything seriously, friendly, a little spacey, careless

Hailing from a strange dimension that even they can’t remember, Paint spends their days doing art commissions in heavily populated worlds. They have very few memories of their life before waking up in their new universe, with most of them being confusing fragments appearing in their dreams. They also have a bad habit of ignoring rules and laws, and often forget about fulfilling their obligations, leaving behind more than just a few angry customers. They also aren’t on great terms with the IPC, owing a pretty large amount of debt to them. Also a financial criminal! 

They were also exiled from their home dimension, but they don’t remember that lol

Their earliest memory is waking up on a strange, empty planet devoid of any human life. They spent a long while there, completely alone, and tried to piece together what had happened. They weren’t exactly successful, however they managed to recall their artistic abilities. They also remember running from something or someone, however the details never got any clearer. Not remembering their name, they decided to call themself Paint as a temporary name. 

Eventually they bumped into a mysterious traveler, the first sign of life in what felt like forever. They explained their situation to them and begged them to help them escape the creepy empty planet they’d been stuck on. Intrigued by their story, the stranger agreed. They traveled together for a short while. Paint gained most of their information on this new universe from the traveler. Eventually the two decided to part ways, but knew they would likely cross paths again eventually.

Once they were on their own, they bounced from place to place looking for work. Due to their forgetful and flighty nature, they often fled before finishing everything they owed. Most of their work was incomplete or never finished, obviously resulting in angry commissioners. As they found themself getting into further debt, they moved onto scamming people and businesses purposefully in an attempt to make up the credits, which obviously, didn’t work and only got them into more trouble. They started to develop a reputation for this in many places, meaning they often went by fake names to avoid detection. 


• Topaz — Enemy

• Aventurine — Rival 

• Marigold — Neutral  

• Lyria & Cyra —  Acquaintances 

• Sterling Pyxis — Acquaintance