Khaos Suma



15 days, 23 hours ago


Full name: Khaos Suma (Kay-os Su-ma)

Title/Nicknames: Traitor of the gods, The Black wolf, purple flame, The broken angel, The chosen one, The fallen Seeker, The Destroyer


Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Eastern Ulfr

Element: N/A Fire

Soul color: Purple/Blue

Birthplace: Unknown-Kaladin

City of Residence: Unknown

Status: Alive

Allegiance: Ishdai

Rank: Group member

Mate: None

Parents: Bason (father) Ayaka (mother)

Other relation: Tauriel (sister) Tanme (older brother)

First appearance: N/A


Khaos is a serious and cool-headed wolf. He can have a sharp temper from time to time and is a bit stubborn. He is very street smart and has great survival skills. His ability to see the future has made him very quiet and somewhat humble, though he never speaks about what he has seen. He has great determination, so when given a task, he will see it through, even at the cost of his own sanity. He is very passionate for his friends and will risk his life for a fellow ally even if it goes against orders.

Background story:

Khaos and his sister were born in a small village at the edge of the Darmoro desert. The night at their birth a purple star fell from the sky as said in an old prophecy. A few weeks after their birth a Oracle came to the village, this was the very Oracle who read the stars and wrote the prophecy in the first place and upon seeing the two pups he got a vision. “These souls would save the world”. Khaos was taken with her sister to the capital where they were raised by the Temple of the Ice monks. Khaos has the power to see the past and  future of the world and people with just a mere touch. The only ones he can not see the future of is his sister Tauriel.

6 years before the main story his friend and lover. The oracle Amme was killed and Khaos was blamed for the murder. He was forced to run away and left everything he had ever known behind. He is now being hunted by his own sister who claims that he is the Destroyer from the prophecy.



Physical appearance:


-His design was created in 2021 and have remained mostly the same when he was written into Laws of Magi

-His name was Dante but that changed because Cad named  another character Dante.

-His name comes from the early Greek cosmology, either the primeval emptiness of the universe before things came into being or the abyss of Tartarus, the underworld.

-His name  is also inspired by the Danish word Kaos which means Chaos and is also Chaos written with a K instead of C.

-Khaos was part of the scrapped project called Swordwinter and was then written into Laws of Magi in 2024


“Darkness corrupts even the best of people, even you won't be able to stop it, not alone”- Dante to ???

“The gods do not deserve your loyalty. You are their pawn, nothing more” – Dante to Tauriel

Theme song:

Warrior inside by Leader

Heavy Is the Crown by Daughtry

Point of no return by Starset

The Resistance by Skillet

Burn It All Down by League of Legends (ft. PVRIS)

No way home by Divide music

Falling stars by Aviators