


5 years, 9 months ago


Tawny (disclaimer: this page is a major wip)

Nickname(s)Tiny (Sid)
Gem TypePearl
Gem LocationLeft Eye
Occupation(s) •  Servant (formerly)
 •  Recruit
 •  Tinkerer
Likes •  robots & tech
 •  poking fun, raising hell
 •  space
 •  travelling
Dislikes •  the higher-ups™
 •  following instructions
 •  high shelves
 •  dealing with her emotions
Voice ClaimDeedee Magno-Hall

Tawny (full name Tawny Pearl) is a Homeworld Gem who was created during Homeworld’s resource crisis. She was stolen from the Reef and ended up lost on Homeworld without a registered owner. She was given a second chance through The Repurposing Program and was placed under the watch of Laguna Lace Agate, the supervisor of Homeworld Outpost Alpha-Zeta. She is considered an equal among the residents of H.O. Alpha-Zeta, and has used her time there to indulge in hobbies outside of her rank.

As of Era 3, the Repurposing Program has been decommissioned. Currently, Tawny is traveling across space with the rest of H.O. Alpha-Zeta aboard the Spaceship Name


1 Description
2 Personality

3 Background
        3.1 Era 2
        3.2 Era 3

4 Relationships
        4.1 Laguna
        4.2 Sid
        4.3 Honey
5 Abilities
6 Gemstone
7 Trivia


Tawny is noticeably short, on account of her defectiveness. She comes up to about the shoulders of a usual pearl. Where most pearls are slim, tall, and long-legged, Tawny's proportions are significantly more compacted. A height comparison or a pearl with standard proportions (Yellow Pearl) and Tawny

Her cabochon pearl gemstone is placed where her left eye would be, while her remaining eye is dark brown in color. When she initially formed, her hair was cut short. In her subsequent reformations, she has chosen to keep it as a long and somewhat unkempt mass that she occasionally ties up in a ponytail. She currently wears a single-piece bodysuit with loose, shoulder-less sleeves. She wears sandals for shoes, but frequently walks around barefoot as well.


Homeworld’s indoctrination was entirely absent from Tawny's life. For that reason, blunt honesty and general mockery are her trademarks. She despises authority and won't have anyone bossing her around. She will often go out of her way just to do the exact opposite of what people want her to do, just because she can. 

Her voice is a bit lower and gruffer than a typical pearl, much of which she does intentionally to come off as tougher than she actually is. She tends to get a bit defensive about her real emotions, but it's mostly because she doesn't entirely know how to deal with them. She's also quite crafty, and she loves to find out how things work.


Era 2

Homeworld’s resource crisis during Era 2 saw a large spike in the number of defective gems being produced. Tawny's formation was heavily rushed, in an attempt to use as few resources as possible to create the batch of pearls she was a part of. However, this method was far less successful in creating what Homeworld deems a “perfect pearl,” and the lack of proper resources led to Tawny's distinctive shortness.

Tawny was far from the only defective pearl of the bunch, 

Before she was able to form, she was stolen from the Reef by one of the supervisors looking to get a favor from a higher up. As such, she doesn’t know who she was intended to be given to—the only clue she had was the yellow diamond on her uniform at the time. But when she finally formed for the first time, her captor was horrified by her appearance and threw her out almost immediately. She was found by jasper soldiers soon after and turned in to the authorities for not having a registered owner.

She was considered to be a defect that attempted to escape, despite her only existing for a few cycles. The jade presiding over the situation was simply going to have her shattered and move on when the supervisor of the Homeworld Outpost Alpha-Zeta, Laguna Lace Agate, stepped forwards and offered to take her in under the repurposing program.

Era 3

Tex t



Main article: Laguna

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!


Main article: Sid

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!


Main article: Honey

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!


  • Nam imperdiet metus non ipsum bibendum, id dictum nibh ultricies. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam aliquam maximus massa, ut blandit massa accumsan sit amet.
  • Mauris mollis laoreet euismod. Fusce vel tempus nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus bibendum lorem vitae felis venenatis, vel euismod purus mollis.
    • In a lectus eleifend nunc ornare ultricies nec eget enim. Maecenas suscipit velit volutpat eros congue laoreet.
    • Nam aliquam leo et risus laoreet, eget pharetra arcu tempor. Integer lacinia sed dolor id semper.
      • Mauris laoreet quam et tellus commodo, at interdum nisi varius. Nullam ut quam at nunc efficitur suscipit ut id massa. Aenean felis mi, gravida non vulputate vitae, ultricies nec ligula.


d1jhRi1.pngTawny's gemstone is located where her left eye would be. Her pearl is circular, unfaceted, and is a pale peach color.


  • She doesn't really care about her height anymore. She used to feel self-conscious about it, but after spending so much time at the Homeworld Outpost Alpha-Zeta with gems who accept who she is and tell her that it doesn't matter, she's come to terms with it.
  • Tawny is absolutely awful at any sort of task or game that requires depth perception.
  • ((This gal's design was a big work in progress for well over a year, including multiple times where I started over completely.))

Profile by @Erandi