Worymton Appsworth



Height: 3ft 2in
Weight: 88lbs
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Aroace
Age: 18

Worymton can be depicted as an Addison from Deltarune (created by Toby Fox), a Spammling (created by MissyZero), or a Servit/Linker!

   Worymton is an extremely small Spammling who uses an apple as a protective shell and home. Much like a turtle he can hide himself inside it should he think his life is in danger or he becomes frightened by something. He rolls at high speeds to get around, but sometimes has a hard time stopping once he gets going. His wormy body naturally produces a sickly sweet syrup that he uses to lure in small bugs, which he snatches up greedily. However, sometimes he attracts bugs that are way too large and poise a danger to himself. Worymton takes a gamble every time he settles down to rest or hunt, and therefore is constantly on the lookout for trouble.

   As he grows he will have to replace his apple shell with larger apple themed logos or program icons (like the Macintosh apple logo). Perhaps he will get into bug extermination as an adult, or maybe he will help Gracie at her candy shop. His virus form possesses many heads like his inspiration (Hydrapple), which fling about wildly as they try to consume everything in their path.

More information and art to be added eventually!