



💙Name: Shiver
🦈Age: 25yo
💙Gender identity: Male
🦈Specie: Hueväri/shark
💙Pronouns: He/Him
🦈Birthday: July 14th
💙Sexuality: Polyamory/omnisexual/aromantic
🦈Personality: Loud, Flirty, funny, caring, chill, like very chill.
💙Job/Role: Streamer/Mc’s neighbors
🦈Height: 187cm
💙Color: Very dark blue (#121A6A)
🦈Ability: Tiger shark
He has the characteristic of a tiger shark.
He can breath under water. He got two pps. And he can shape shift the bottom of his body like mermaids.

💙Voice claim: Chaz (Helluva Boss)
Lived in the sea with his parents then left to go live on the surface, he then learned how to make a proper living by working in a bar but start live streaming and quit his barman job.
💙Design detail(s) :
- Blue marking everywhere on his body
- Black strips on wrist, ankles and ears
- Mullet hair cut

🦈Aesthetic(s): https://pin.it/6vvCfHZZC



- He eat alive’s fishes.
- My sona and him are
- Hate summer cuz he need to be hydrated all the time.
- Really close to M/C cuz they’re the only young person in the building.
- He invite lots of people over but he’ll let you in even if they’re having fun and shit.
- He unroll the red carpet after you took a shit and clap for you.
- Talk shit with you about your bf
- Eat sushi all the time.
- Has to wear glasses cuz he basically blind.
- Help you dye your hair.
- "wdym its 3am?"
- He live nextdoor
- You make tiramisu. He eat it.
- He got the keys of your appartement.
- Make fun of bald people.
- Aromantic so yeahhh nooo-
- Romance you as a joke
- "AND NOW. IM GOING TO FUCK YOU!" "Its fuck you up…. Shi-" "Huh? what did i said?"
- Watch peppa pig unironically. Eating cereal rolled up in a blanket.
- Sleep hugging his tail
- Lose his teeth. Gift you teeth. You cannot give them away. So you keep them in jars 🧍🏼
- He a streamer so he got goodies of himself.
- Wear sunglasses and fake mustache to go out.
- Was the popular guy in highschool
- Called Stitch by M/C

💙Kinks :

- Biting/Marking 

- Domination 

- Bondage 

- Rough seggs 

- Choking 

- Hair pulling 

- Masochism 

- Shower seggs