Sohko Okazaki (English)




Last Name : Okazaki
First Name : Sohko
Age : 20 y/o
Birthday : 9th July
Zodiac Sign : Gemini
Height : 1m67
Weight : 56 kg
Gender : Female
Orientation : Heterosexual
Situation : Single
Birth place : Aquacorde town (Kalos)
Origins : Japaneses
Seiyuu : Hanazawa Kana (Sharon Rainsword - Pandora Hearts)
Job : Hostess in a Hostess Club
cutiefly_by_misical-dap11zd.gifPokemon : Cutiefly
Shiny : No
Nature : Impish
Type : Bug | Fairy
Weaknesses : Fire | Poison | Flying | Rock | Steel
Level : 22
Evolution : Not evoled

Moves : Stun Spore | Silver Wind | Draining Kiss | Sweet Scent
Abilities : Honey Gather = The Pokemon may gather Honey after a battle.
Pokedex entries : Cutiefly can pick up the auras of living things. It skillfully reads those auras to predict its foes' movements and make fools of them.


Like :
- Sugar and honey
- Punching people
- Fame
- Loves to annoy people
Dislike :
- People ignoring her
- The insensible boys
- The girls who raise themselves against her
- Loneliness

Extras :
- She loves sugar too much she always smell like a candy.
- She doesn't resist the urge to eat of sweets or cake stores, even more if it's offered.
- Generally, if it is not the lollipop which she has in the mouth, it will be a chewing gum.
- To compensate for the fact that she eats very unbalanced, she goes in for sport a lot! Her choice fast turned to the martial arts and the control of the stick. Unfortunately, she found them uses other than those of the defense…
- She has the bad mania to make the pockets of her dates.
Personality :
She doesn't speak all the time, but she remains somebody very sociable! She doesn't hesitate to go towards the others and generally becomes integrated very well. Very affected, she does everything to have the cute and charming air. She exaggerates to be kind and helpful with you. But under her airs of unsuspicious high school student, it is a tyrannical queen! She makes an excessive use of her charms to obtain what she wants, in particular with the boys. It is simple to hang itself in their neck and to make sheep's eyes, and especially that makes save money. Miss has a slightly too big Ego, so that it is unbearable to him to be subjected to anyone. She adores commanding, it is stronger than her.
