Markus Clearance



1 month, 4 days ago


Height: 6ft 4in
Weight: 157lbs
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Unknown
Age: 28
Magic Type: Rallying magic (able to use his words to rally those around them and help boost their strength and morale)

   Markus was a Servit, a species of creature that is cybernetic by nature, but the machinery, cords and other bits resemble and act like biological organisms through the use of both electricity and magic. He has now been transformed into a Linker, a more primitive version of his kind.


   Markus was born in Stowold, but moved to Weavecoast some years ago in order to start his life over. He would often shave down his fur during the extremely hot summers on the coastline, but allowed it to grow out more in the winter even if the temperature was still more temperate. This sadly led to him being kidnapped one day and taken to Chanelda's fur farm. There he was kept in captivity for a long time with a group of other Servits, and somehow he became a bit of a leader amongst the group. Markus would do his best to keep them from panicking too much during this period, and for the most part it seemed to work. It changed though when they each began to turn into Linkers. He had to watch everyone around him twist into a monstrous new shape as his own body began to do the same.

   As a Linker he is extremely dangerous and is in a constant state of rage. Even the guards who normally have little to no issues handling Linkers cannot get anywhere near him. He shrugs off being shocked by their stun sticks, and has killed multiple guards in the process. Many of them have discussed simply putting him down, but the higher ups do not allow the use of guns at the risk of the fur becoming damaged. So for awhile he was just left with the group he came to look after, not allowing anyone near them.

   When the raid happened on the facility Markus and the others escaped from their cell. It was them who stumbled upon Chanelda, and the built up rage that still existed within him despite being reduced to a beast was finally released properly. She was torn to pieces, and for the first time since this nightmare started, the Linker was at peace. Him and his group were then taken by the Linktree Forest Rangers to a special location within the woods where Servits turned Linkers could acclimate to their new home and meet their more natural "cousins". 


   Markus doesn't remember who he used to be, but seems content where he is now. He continues to protect his pack of friends, and the group looks out for one another. He seems receptive to sign language, and has begun learning a few phrases from the rangers. They try not to ask him much about his previous life, because despite not remembering it there still seems to be some sense of loss he feels when asked about it. He cannot articulate it other than to become enraged again, but he never attacks the rangers. Instead he stomps around and damages the trees around him until he can calm down. Markus is treated with as much respect that can be given to him, and he tries to give it back in return most of the time. All he wants to do now is spend the rest of his days in peace with his new family.