Gabriel Amaral



1 month, 11 days ago


××× 1st Depth Level ×××

Name: Gabriel Amaral

Nickname: Riel, The Drift King

Age: 39

Height: 6ft

Gender: Male

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Partner Gender Preference: Male

Race/Nationality: Cuban

Strengths: Planning, Public Speaking, Drifting, Racing

Weaknesses: Shuts Down When Overwhelmed, Apologizes Often Over Small Issues

Personality: Cunning, Determined, Cocky, Fussy, Calculating

Career: Retired F1 Racer

Toyhouse Link: 

Voiceclaim: Stevie Howie

Theme Song: Sarcasm – Get Scared
Summary: He grew up in a middle-class home in America with immigrant parents. His fascination with racing started at an early age, and he always knew that’s what he wanted to do someday. He trained for years, since as soon as he could drive, to become as good as he did- and he won several high tier competitions before his pre-mature retirement. He was struck by lightning on a camping trip by the ocean while taking a break from the racing season and rushed to a hospital. His right arm is now mildly numb, and he experiences jolts of phantom pain. That put an end to his racing career, so he turned to motorcycles. He quickly fell in love with them and started working on bikes as a hobby.

××× 2nd Depth Level ×××

Eye Color/s: Hazel

Primary Color/s (body): 

Aesthetic: Old Soul

Birthday: May 21

Zodiac: Gemini

Family Connections: His parents are elderly and he pays for a fancy estate for them with his hard-earned riches.

Family Health Status: Healthy but distant

Disabilities: He retired shortly after being struck by lightning and has mild numbness and phantom pain in his right arm. He has a mean rejection sensitive dysphoria.

××× 3rd Depth Level ×××

Pets: He’s got two Afghan Hounds named Penelope (Brown) and Bounty (Blonde)

Love Language (giving): Gifts, Praise, Touch

Love Language (receiving): Touch, Praise, Compliments

Sus Level: 10/10, would fold his partner against an alley wall if they let him

Cuddle Love Level: 10/10, he has plenty of aches and pains, so he loves to just relax into his partner’s arms

Favorite Cuddle Position: Hugging

Favorite Way to Fall Asleep: After falling off an adrenaline high

Favorite Food: Steak Sirloin

Favorite Animal: Cows

Favorite Color: Forest Green

Favorite Jewelry Type: Rings

××× Extra Info ×××

- He feeds his dogs an expensive raw diet and he’s very proud of their health.

- He loves to try new foods, and really enjoys the process of learning to cook them.