Comedy Gold



23 days, 6 hours ago


Lazlo McGinnis' childhood and much of his earlier life has been wiped from most records, but what is known by some is that he was the son of an abusive prostitute and never met his real father. At a young age, Lazlo heard about a war hero with the same last name as his on the television, and he became completely convinced that he was his true father, although it's highly unlikely. He would get into numerous fights at school until he was expelled completely for strangling a classmate who insulted who he believed to be his father. When he turned 16, Lazlo enlisted in the military until he was dishonorably discharged for excessive violence against his comrades, but later became a mercenary for hire. These experiences hardened Lazlo, who knew only the darkest pits of humanity all his life. Lazlo was known by this time to be a heavy nihilist with a stone-cold attitude. Later, Lazlo would be selected by private military organization to test a super-soldier serum, the odds of survival being 1.5%. Lazlo was treated to countless injections of the "Big Joy" steroid, a term he coined himself during the trials. which cranked his adrenaline up to 11, allowing him enhanced agility, perception, speed, and a nearly limitless stamina. While the results were successful, they had detrimental side effects on his mind. Lazlo's mind deteriorated and would go in and out of either cohesiveness or blabbering on about complete nonsense. The effects of the trials seemingly had a profound effect on his worldview as well, now viewing his nihilism less as a source of anguish but as a source of pure joy. Afterward, Lazlo McGinnis became the killer for hire known as Comedy Gold, known for running his mouth and slicing and dicing his way through any of his contracts. At this point, he is completely addicted to Big Joy and will do just about any job in order to get his fix.