


21 days, 15 hours ago


Likes: Playing, Drawing, Math, History, Making Friends, Candy, Meat, Cyborgs, Pandas, practicing speaking different lauguages, Memes, Video Games, Animals, 

Neutral: N/A

Dislikes: Bullies, Vegetables (Sometimes), Bad People, Boredom

Interests: Being a writer, saving the world with Angel

Born with: N/A

Diagnoise with or not: ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Sexuality: Heterosexual Polyamory 

Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic

Fur Color: Some Brown with white markings

Skin Color (Human or a primate): Brown 

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Birthday: January 9th 2000

Bio: Came from the Human World and was abandoned by her parents when she was a baby, the American Pitbull Terrier Couple took her in and raise her as their own. 

Zodiac: Capricorn 

Chinese Zodiac: Dragon 

Nationality: American

Ethic: African American Mix (Mixed with white, Native American (American Indian), the rest are unknown)

Lovers: TBA

Family: TBA

Friends: Angel and her friends 

Enemies: Scratch, her bullies from the past 

Powers: Magic 

Native Language: English (US)

Languages that she’s speaks: English (UK), Spanish, French, Japanese, sign language, 

Languages that she’s learning to speak: Chinese, Italian, German, Dutch, Korean, Portuguese, and more