Professor Saraswati Espeon



1 month, 4 days ago


Professor Saraswati Espeon is a well renowned leader in the field of performance combat. She is most known for her dual performance combat method which involves the use of bharatanatyam as well as her veena which is played by her  secondary spiritual form while she performs her dance. This form of combat requires intense focus and psychic power to be made effective which is why Saraswati is considered a champion of her field.As a professor, Saraswari is a gentle nurturer who values hard work above anyone else. Saraswati believes that everyone has the potential to be anyone and that everyone has a learning method that works the best for them. As a child, Sarswari had a difficult time learning bharatanatyam. Despite the many methods she used to improve her performance she found that she was most effective when she performed her own music to dance to. This experience builds the foundation of her core beliefs.