
Originally designed by KhemyklShark <3

Name: Kurosaki Mahiruka
Alias’: Kuro, Hiru
Age: 21
Gender: Nonbinary (biologically female)
Species: Husky
Birthdate: October 19th
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Ethnicity: Japanese
Language(s): Japanese, very broken English
Blood type: B
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120lbs
Eye Color: Left eye blue, right eye purple
Hair: (color and length) Dark blue with black, white, purple and blue streaks. Asymmetical
Skin: Gray
Shoe size: Doesn't wear shoes
Figure/build: Petite, skinny
Distinguishing marks:
-Tattoo(s): Blue dragon around left ankle
-Scars: Cresent moon on forehead
-Piercings: Double bridge, canine bites, eyebrow, hip x2, belly button, viper bites, gauges on both ears, 4 piecings on each ear
-Clothing style: Visual Kei
Hobbies: Singing, cooking, dancing, sleeping
Talents/Skills: Talented singer and dancer
Occupation: Singer
Strengths: Quick to react, analytical, pretty handy whenever it comes to handling katanas, good endurance
Weaknesses: Not physically strong, can be a bit oblivious towards major details, easy to upset, VERY VERY tipsy (one sip of sake and Kuro is drunk)
Love interest(s): NONE :)
Sexual Orientation: Biromantic Demisexual
Basic description:
Personality: Peppy, hyper, a bit of a masochist
Likes: The day, cats, music, singing, dancing, Japanese culture, pain, sake, piercings and tattoos
Dislikes: The night, the cold, dogs <s>how ironic</s>, warm colors, food that isn't Asian, bumblebees
Motivations: To become the best singer ever!!
Morals: You only live once so go fucking nuts!
Fears/Phobias: Apiphobia, heights and the dark
Favorite food: Teriyaki and Takoyaki
Favorite drink: Sake
Favorite color: Purple
-Parents: None
-Siblings: None
-Other close relatives: Xulfur and Xenon (cousins)
Friends: Zyn, Ukari, Xulfur
Partner: None
Offspring: None
Enemies: Mitch and Osiris
Pet(s): None
Theme Songs: