Darren Ilyinsky



27 days, 15 hours ago


Darren Illyinsky  (this character has a tw for abuse and sh mentioned)


General Info

Fears: losing loved ones, major phobia of blood

Personality: Warm and kindhearted, constantly caring but constantly people pleasing. He normally seems very confident until facing some sort of conflict, he quickly becomes nervous and unable to speak, particularly towards his mother. Many people admire his compassion towards the lower classes unlike the previous monarchs.

He cares greatly for all life despite the lies he had been fed but his fear on being hurt creates a deep turmoil inside him


Personal info:


57 years old



Birthday (and death day): May 21st 

King of Ventus



Dark brown hair with a slight wave, shoulder length

He got that blue eye stare (sometimes characterized as haunting looking, when he was a teen he scared a lot of people a consistently traumatized look in his eyes)

Pale skin 

Squared face with kind yet troubled eyes

Scars on his arms


Backstory (read trigger warnings from beginning):

Darren was neglected as a child by his mother, he mostly just stuck to his brothers side (Micah). Though he couldn't very often since Micah was training to be a prince and king in case anything happened so he was constantly busy. Darren distracted himself by visiting the townsfolk and helping them with tasks, it gave him a sense of accomplishment and validation that he was lacking. Darren's mother (Ari) sent his father (Beau) on a mission to retrieve the Heart Gem and he was missing for awhile, Ari ran the kingdom in the meantime. When Beau returned he had the gem but he was horribly cursed and acted like a wild animal. Ari snuck Beau into her study where she would kill him (not out of mercy) and take the Heart Gem for her unknown plans. Micah and Darren were sneaking out at night (Darren hesitantly agreed) and saw a trail of strange black liquid on the floor and followed it to their mother's study. When they enter they see Ari standing over Beaus mangled body with a bloodied blade. Micah immediately reacts and throws a book at Ari, screaming at her. Darren is frozen. He can't move, breathe, think, anything. (To summarize) Micah keeps resisting Aris cold and uncaring explanation until Ari eventually gets fed up and stabs Micah, who already saw too much. She goes to get rid of the evidence and finish off Darren (who is in complete shock) Until she realizes she needed a heir and she needed a meat shield as the ruler so she could pursue her plans in secret. She kept Darren alive and tried to sway him to believe she killed the two for good reason. He didn't believe it but he forced himself to. He was a child. The news got out that "magi" killed the king and prince and Darren was in recovery. During that time Ari kept close watch on him, making sure he didn’t say anything. He never planned on it, he was too terrified, his mind shattered, paranoid, he lied to himself and tried to forget it ever happened. He tried to rejoin society like nothing happened but everyone could see the broken look in his eyes. The years forwards were quiet as Darren prepared to be king. When he was 16 he met a boy named Miles. They begun to date in secret, Darren knew he wasn't supposed to because of his assigned marriage. It was nice for awhile until Ari noticed Darren's disappearances and confronted hum. Darren could never see Miles again and Ari had Miles killed in secret. Darren knew though. (There's more after this but I don't want to write it, basically he gets married and has kids and then his wife dies and his eldest daughter runs away and then 15 years later her daughters clone/son (Ivan) pops in and finds out Ari is evil, they confront Ari but she stabs Darren and he dies 😔)