Jax Allen (MOVING FROM SS13)



5 years, 9 months ago


Jax Allen is an uptight, militant Security Commander.


Basic Info:

Name: Jax Allen
Sex: Male
Gender: Male (he/him)
Age: 29
Birthday: March 25th
Height and weight: 4'10"
Nationality/Origin: Qerr'valis
Home: Virgo Colony
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Relationship status: Single
Orientation: Pansexual Panromantic


Flavor Text:

This male Akula stands at 4'10" tall, with a wide but soft frame. Outside of his attitude, there isn't much of an intimidation factor to his appearance. He is quite well-built, but on the surface, he appears more like a twinkish bear, with broad shoulders and a squishy layer of chub masking the muscle underneath. He carries himself with the straightened posture of a soldier, and the bitter, bossy attitude of a commander.

His voice doesn't sound too intimidating, either, more youthful than anything deep or bassy.

He seems to have more fins on his body than the average Akula, with additional ones on his head and forearms, often forcing him to wear baggy sleeves or roll them up. His skin is tough but smooth to the touch, and seems to almost glisten in the light. His coloring is reminiscent of an Earth orca. In fact, a pair of dogtags can near always be seen around his neck, with two tags saying "J. Allen" and "Orca", respectively.

On his head is a mess of black hair, appearing somewhat lighter than the darker color of his skin. It's straight and often has a wet appearance to it. It also covers his right eye, which, once revealed, seems to be mismatched with the other, being a shade of olive green rather than the blue color his left eye has.



Character details: