OC PURGE LF: Art's Comments

for sure! ill get them to you soon

Sounds good! I'll get the character on hold :3 Take as long as you need !!! ♡♡♡

added them to your gallery!

Got em, they turned out SO FREAKING CUTE! I'll transfer the character rn! Tysm!!

1 Replies

Heya, how much art would u be looking for for them? ♥️


Thank u so much in advance, I look forward to hearing from u! 

I hope, u have a wonderful day ♥️

Ooh your art is super cute!

Maybe 4-5 bust sketches if that sounds okay? :0

I'm glad that u like it!! 

Who would the art be of? ♥️

A bust for each of these guys if possible would be amazing :3





And MAYBE him (you dont have to do this one if you don't want to lol)

Sure thing, I'll get started on them tomorrow!! 

Could u possibly pm me these links again? I tend to lose usernames in comment notifications cause they're just so darn easy to delete on accidentally c,:

Sounds good! Feel free to take as long as you need, no rush! <3 I'll put the character on hold for you!

And yeah no problem, I'll send em rn!