Beelzefuzz (Fuzzy)



1 month, 4 days ago


Uses it/he pronouns. An eighteen-year-old who attended a voice actor panel and unfortunately turned into a demonic creature as a result of.. a series of events! It heavily resembles one of the main characters in its favourite cartoon, the voice actor of whom was actually who it wanted to see most at the panel! Fuzzy is optimistic to a fault and sees the good in everything and everyone, but has a strong sense of justice and has a hard time tolerating cruelty. Even when someone who's done wrong gets their just desserts, though, it won't be able to resist feeling at least a little guilty.

- Cartoons (especially This Little Hell Of Mine, a 90s-style show in its universe)
- Animals
- Drawing

Evimien - friend and sibling figure
Evaul - friend, role model and parental(?) figure
Minus (Uiop) - friend and younger sibling figure

Design notes
- The gradient on its fingers is the same as on its horns, the purple just extends further
- The first fullbody is from a mafia AU, but shows what its tail looks like.
- The second fullbody is from an Inscryption AU, and has become somewhat of an independent character- feel free to draw this version if you like!
- Fuzzy's feet are like bird talons, each with 2 toes in the front and one in the back
- Nose must be heart-shaped or bean-shaped, or V-shaped
- Feel free to put it in any outfit you want; it prefers comfortable clothes (soft and loose-fitting) but anything goes as long as its not like. obviously risqué