eo on entire th!!'s Comments

hihi!! I love melon's and tbn :3's design so much!!

does anybody in my th catch your eye? none offlims! otherwise I can offer art or usd if u have a range ^^

hihi, i love these!



i could also do a $25 voucher for melon, or art for TBN!

could you accept a $20 voucher?? ^^; and I can do art for TBN!! what are you looking for?

id have to think abt $20 bc there's smth specific I wanted for 25, but could u draw busts of these for TBN? ^^



hihi, if you're still interested, id accept a $20 voucher! 

OK!! let me know your decision for melon ^_^ <3

and yes ill do two flat coloured busts for TBN!! should be done within a week 

could u get them for melon? ^^


and ill put tbn on hold!

7 Replies



See anyone? :] You could also see outside the folder but I'm very tent on most 

Also I like a few others that I might come back for ^^ [I have $10! Cashapp ]


hihi! didn't see anyone, but i could definitely do a voucher for cici ^^

Of $10? :]


Cool! How does a voucher work? :0

it's like a 3-way trade! you buy smth for $10 and trade it to me in exchange for cici ^^

5 Replies

I’ll do anyone on my th or maybe a full bod? (Example is in my sonas and the one labled “Astro_Cars”.)


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Love them, would be willing to offer trade for either, maybe someone here ! Can also do art matching the value ^^

hihi, i could do her for adagio!


Sure I can accept this trade! Sending her over ^^

I really like maxine ! I can do some art ! :3

ill accept that!! hm are u offering?

err i can do 2 halves and a headshot? :3

lemme know if i need to add or anything


could u draw them together for the halves?



and her for the headshots!



omg so quick!! thanks so much, I sent Maxine!

I could offer art for her! Could do any style listed here :D

I like her, does anyone here interest you?

i can offer a trade for this guy :), feel free to look at my th and microscope


Hi, Can you let me know https://toyhou.se/24584896.mari 's USD worth?

it's $20!

Ohh I’d like to take them!

Hi!! I really like https://toyhou.se/25063437.tbn , https://toyhou.se/26095008.seafoam , and https://toyhou.se/25596754.tbn!! I was wondering if you'd be open to trading any of them for art, characters (here and here) or what range of USD you'd consider if not

hihi, i didn't see anyone i was interested in, but i can do a usd voucher for all 3! is around 30-45 okay?

How much would just Seafoam and https://toyhou.se/25596754.tbn be? /genq

is 20 okay?

Yeah! :D

perfect! could u get buy her? ^^


here's the post!

11 Replies

Ok so SO sorry for the continuous wait! I now have the money! I know the last thing you sent me is closed (and you got the best character on there, genuinely love them SO MUCH) and the first thing the person still has not responded, so lemme know what you want me to buy for you if you’re still alright with trading ^^

5 Replies

hello! i'm most interested in cove, im willing to offer 3 busts/icons + 1 halfbody for him, max !

art examples on my twitter!

hi!! not sure if anyone fits your prefs, but would anyone from here maybe interest you for someone below?? could also maybe do art.. like a full/chibi and bust maybe?? might take a bit to do tho since there’s a queue TT





hihi! i love her!


i could definitely do #1 or willow for her! if not id take art for them! im not sure abt rosa or melon though

thats alright ^^. unfortunately I don’t think I’d do Marie loops for them, but I can 100% do the art!! would it be the full/chibi and bust for both or separetely?

that's okay! i could also do #1 and willow for marie loops, if not ill take art! could i do a full+bust for one, and a chibi+bust for the other? ^^

I can do the full+bust and chibi+bust!! though, just fyi these will take a bit to get done due to the queue ^^.

what are the characters you’d like drawn?

I absolutely love https://toyhou.se/21803357.-

I'll offer you anyone in my UFO/UFS folder

wasn't interested in anyone unfortunately!

haii, offering on any of these [priority r ones i want most atm]

≽^•⩊•^≼ , lou , biscuit [priority] , twyla [priority]

can offer someone [can be multiple] in my toyhouse [creature is the only hard offlimits, though i'm heavily picky in FH]

can also add-on art ; examples

hihi i like these! unfortunately i wouldn't do biscuit or twyla<\3



augh i wouldve considered both for one of em but i dont think i can do either for the first two, sorry! i might be able to come back and offer usd / vouchers depending on ranges 

that's okay!!

out of curiosity, what are the ranges for the last two? [and what would be the lowest you'd consider voucher / money wise for both of em]

i wouldn't do a voucher for biscuit, but for twyla i could do around 20ish! lowest is probably 15

1 Replies

hihi! didn't see anyone id use unfortunately!

Ah alrighty!! Tysm 4 lookin X3.

hi my little lilo may i please aquire 


with a small trade of possibly cute chibi art and a oc of your choice OR CURRENCY I CAN OFFER 400k 




HELP ME LILO WHAT IS THIS may you pretty please put this on my page comments :3


haii !! i can offer anyone in my toyhouse (except for mains folder) for https://toyhou.se/25071246.melo !

hihi u have so many cute designss omg! i rlly liked these, but would u mind if i thought about it for a bit? ^^



i could definitely trade https://toyhou.se/26945579.up-for-offer !! and of course! take as much time as u need :3

hey! interested in blu, i can offer art & anyone from here

hihi! i liked these! but i don't think id do mari or skylar 💔




Would u take torakka for mari? :3 I would do kurome for tbn if thats fine but I would need to think for a little?

omg sorry i meant i couldn't do mari or skylar 💔 im so sorry but i could definitely do kurome for tbn if u want!

shdhs thats fine, may I think about it :'3


4 Replies




love these three omgg... can only offer art im broke.. 

art examples https://twitter.com/RaiiinCloud jus scroll thru and there should b stuff.. i think.. if not then feel free to ask for any other examples !! I have a buncha wips :'3






I like all of them! I can do art for them and I can also be a voucher :0 

Art example: https://toyhou.se/AngelEyedZ/art?page=1#81566329 (I have more examples on disc since I don't really post art here)

hihi id take a voucher for these! how much could u do? ^^



I can do about 20-30 >:D, more if needed!

could u do $35 possibly? ^^

I can! As for the other three, anything you're looking for specifically? :0

ill accept that!! skylar is nft, but id prefer a trade for the others! i may consider another voucher though 

3 Replies

wait i love lou...

how much do u love her....

a little ittle wittle bit not enough for dottie and piolia adm we already have trade pending with them so dont try bucko