oooh i wanna slot!!

send me a dm about what you’d like on it! :3 

hi hi, i’m so sorry your commission is taking me longer than it usually does. I’ve been working on it but taking breaks in between as i’m on a trip and summer plans have been keeping me pretty busy. I’ll try to get it done relatively quickly depending on how the rest of my trip plays out!! 

thats totally fine!! take your time!! ik life can get hectic and somethimes things can take longer!! dw abt it at all!! im in no rush!! /gen /pos /lh

i’ve finished!! sorry for the huge delay ): 

no worries at all!! i love it so much thank you!!! suzu looks so adorable<3 

i’d love to claim a slot !! 

alrighty!! shoot me a dm about what you’d like for it! (base, plus extra stuff added if wanted ; paws, tail(s), wing, etc) 

I FINISHED!! sorry for the huge delay 😭 i got so busy