


22 days, 3 hours ago


When Amazon first awoke, she was certain of two things right away. The first thing was that the woman who created her was dead, the second was that she left her with a purpose. Built as the manifestation of her creator's kindness and heart, her main programming was designated to helping and caring for others. And, with her at the time much smaller model and a more human disguise, she intended to do just that. But try as she may, no matter how many different tasks she tried to accomplish, she wasn't good at any of them. As a matter of fact, all that she managed to do was make everything worse by her own involvement. This culminated to a point in which one day, she had brought great harm to a child at a care center where she was meant to stop children from becoming too rambunctious. Berated by her peers not even seconds after, the first emotions she could remember feeling were shock, panic, guilt, and disgust. With strength that would forever burden her ties to humanity, and a world that didn't want her, she contemplated her very existence in an alleyway- dirty and alone. That was until she overheard two burglars try and rob a nearby woman and her child. Overwhelmed in emotion, she disposed of the two burglars. And for once, instead of fear, she was met with gratitude from the woman she saved. Believing this to be a calling as to what she should do with herself, she immediately made upgrades to herself where she could- building and modifying herself to mechanical perfection until she was able to become Amazon, an ally to good, and a beast to those who threaten the innocent.

Today, Amazon operates in the new generation of the superhero team, 'Valorcrowd'.