


26 days, 14 hours ago


Name(s): Shadowflame or Shadow 

Pronouns: She/ze 

Age: 10 moons 

Colony: n/a 

Role: Rogue 

Personality: When Shadowflame is around cats she trusts, she is generally pretty bubbly and talkative. However, she's always on the defensive around others, often automatically interpreting other's motives as malicious and usually reacts negatively towards strangers around them as a default. The assumption that everyone around her hates her and is already judging zir, usually ends up making her harshly judge or reject others preemptively, making it difficult to become close with other people and form the relationships ze longs for. Despite this, she is really close to her father, Thistle. Shadow, similarly to her dad, has a strong dislike for the Sand Colony. She has learned how to use herbs and general healing because of how many scuffles her dad (and sometimes zirself) get into. 

Desc: A dark blue she-cat with russet colored tabby patches, a white tail tip and chest markings, and several scars. Ze has bright green eyes and a fang thats a little too big to keep in her mouth.