Target's Comments

anyone in my sale/trade folder interest you?

I can offer a bust 

Oh yeah art

Sure! You can draw whoever you'd like from Here if thats alright! :]

Alrighty I'll work on it soon

Dose anyone in my th catches ur eye? 

Dang he's absolutely handsome! 😍 I unfortunately cannot give anything in return as I'm dead broke and don't really have any characters as I'm new here but not new to characters. I'm still learning how to draw so I'd love to try my luck with drawing this guy. I usually prefer simpler designs but I had an instant connection with this guy. I'm working on a few side projects and I think he'd make an excellent character for my amusement park world as he will be the owner of a carnival game called, "hit that target!" It's an archery carnival game for adults but if a legal parent or guardian agrees for their minor child who are 13-17 years old, then they can play. 

Target is definitely a great name for him but he prefers people to call me Sir Target Constance. He will definitely be the mysterious character within this very odd and not so originary amusement park, maybe something sinister is going on at this amusement park? 

Target is always seen alone and practicing his archery skills at his carnival game. His mysterious nature lures females and males to him, but none have ever caught his interest. Do you think he will find his soulmate? 

Stay tuned for more information....

I'd love to offer a character trade! 

I can use them for an animation series or and a comic book they name will be zero and I will male the animation 30 minutes long and I can use him for so much for if I can have them :0

Name: tanner.


race: dog boi mix breed.

sexuality: bisexual.

gender/pronouse: male/he/him

lore: tanner is the great great grandson to the founder of the target company, he therefore started working there from an early age. commonly he can be seen working in the back stocking shelves and other nonsocial jobs, he dreams of starting his own company in the art business with his best friend but knowing his family won't approve he's had to put that dream on the back burner. He loves chill music like classical and jazz but also loves pop music every now and then. his fav candy is peppermint, and his fav food is steak pasta his mother cooks.