


5 years, 7 months ago


Name Nikita
Sex Male
Status Neutered
Age Seven Years
Breed Belgian Malinois
Color Fawn
Height 23"
Weight 70 lbs.
Build Lanky

Destiny was always laid out for Nikita. Born into the hands of a prestigious breeder in his breed's home country of Belgium, his bloodline prized for their physical conformity and their relentless drive to work, Nikita's life was spoken for before his eyes had opened. When he came of age to be separated from his mother, he would be exported to the USA and trained by one Officer Scott into the service of the police department of the city of Helena, Montana. Nikita thrived. He was fast, strong, and whip-smart. For years, he was the right hand of his master, the claws and teeth of the Helena police, and a beloved companion to Officer Scott's two daughters. Then, as Nikita approached his sixth birthday, something happened. Nikita was pursuing someone through alleyways and dark streets, and suddenly, with a burst of light and a horrible sound, everything went white, then black, and then Nikita did not see Officer Scott or his two little girls again.


Nikita's right foreleg has been entirely amputated. Traces of the operation are no longer visible, the scar long since covered over with dense fur. Over time he has learned to cope quite well without the limb. He does, however, tend to hold himself a bit awkwardly, and has a strange, hopping gait when walking. In recent months, his muscles have worn down due to lack of use. This gives him an exceptionally thin, bony physique that is emphasized all the more by the three long, lanky legs that remain. His short coat displays the countershaded russet coloration that is common for his breed, with stark patches of black on his face, chest, and legs. His eyes are a bright, warm cinnamon color.


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Quisque ut dolor dapibus, gravida eros ut, tempor libero. Sed rutrum vehicula nunc, quis vehicula justo pretium non. Sed et ultrices leo. Suspendisse felis nibh, sodales sed consequat ut, consectetur id leo. Phasellus suscipit porta libero ac mattis. Praesent in dolor sed dolor iaculis imperdiet laoreet vel enim. Aenean vel quam tempus, bibendum leo id, consequat lectus. Nam condimentum metus vitae facilisis pharetra.

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Nikita's most stalwart companion. A bond of mutual respect keeps the two together, as well as Rizana's desire to look out for the elder Nikita. Oftentimes, however, it is Rizana that finds herself in need of his assistance.


Buck is a tagalong that attached himself to Nikita in much the same way Rizana did: out of admiration as well as a desire to protect. He also thoroughly enjoys Nikita's stories.

● Of all his companions, Nikita is the eldest and most experienced. He is therefore the unspoken leader of their little group, and the others often turn to him for guidance in difficult times.

● Nikita lost his leg when he was nearing the age of six.

● The incident wherein the limb was lost left him with a moderate case of post-traumatic stress disorder.

● Triggers for his anxiety include busy roads, large groups of people, and gunshots.