[$30] Breeju Forbes



1 month, 17 hours ago


Name: Beeju Forbes

Height: 6'5"

Blood: Olive

Lusus: Coo

Trolltag: strengthenedWrangler

Quirk: Ellooo lass w’at ar ya doooin’ all up ooover ere??? not safe for a gal like ya… ya aint STROOONG enoug lass no offense…

Dreamer: Prospit

Specibus: Fist kind or huge log kind

Personality:  A kind, gentle giant that likes to test her strength from time to time. Such as Contests, sports, events where those test their mettle and have some trophies of her own. Fairly deep voice for a female, loves songs and dance but can’t do a lick of it, so taps her foot and claps to others. Hard to ruffle her feathers but when you get her mad, be prepared to be thrown off like Team Rocket and be that little sparkle in the sky. She is no-nonsense when it comes to her work. If she sees someone messing up or struggling, she tends to muscle in and take care of it herself. Not trying to offend them, just wants to get stuff done. If someone’s in the way and refuses to move, just lifts them up and moves them somewhere else. She can take the answer no, but it doesn’t mean she’ll listen. Stubborn, strong-minded, but still has a sweet and caring side that shows itself when she’s relaxed and not working.