Fav for free art's Comments

Favorited both! If you could draw Ollie and/or QuailSpark would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for the opportunity ^^

I faved both! Id love art for either https://toyhou.se/25209603.duke-harrison or https://toyhou.se/25144996.angelo-rivera ! Ty so much!

Hi! I faved both. Perhaps Lucrecio or anyone in the folder he's in will interest you!!

Faved Valentino ^^ Thanks for the chance!

Faved! Thanks for the opportunity UvU

pick any one you feel like drawing idm 

Tysmmm <3 I love it so much!!

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Faved, I have this guy or this one if you feel up to either :3

faved! i have her!


could you draw my ic? 

Faved Valentino! If u could draw raze anytime :3

Done! Faved Valentino! I'll just let you decide on what you want to draw. Doesn't matter who.

faved valentino. ty for the chance

i faved! Art of this guy would be awesome but really you can pick anyone in my sonas or super tent folders

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faved :3 heres the character: Mike thanks for the chance!

Love Valentino's design,, makes him look cool :0 hope you do this guy! Take your time too! Thank you for the chance. 💚

Ty for the chance! I love Valentino's colors!

Here's my kiddo!

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Faved! Here's my darling: https://toyhou.se/14891899.sprout

(And a backup if he's too complex: https://toyhou.se/19145894.newt)

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Thank you for the opportunity! Feel free to draw any of my characters who don't have a lot of art!

tysm for the opportunity!!

I hope you will draw it? I will be glad, thank you in advance!