


26 days, 16 hours ago


-still a wip, still working on this guy-

Ranumor is a loveable idiot, always trying his best but sometimes just kinda a bit odd. 

Hailing from a somewhat poor background, through him faking being rich and perhaps just sheer luck, he got people to believe he is wealthy enough to join high society events, which eventually netted him a job in the one thing he does best: Organizing.

With a keen eye for details and a high focus for precision when it comes to planning things out, he proved himself a precious asset for what turned out to be a pretty nasty man as a boss.

Eventually deciding to leave his position when guilt caught up to him for some of the more heinous actions his Boss performed, he managed to, again through likely sheer luck and coincedence, find someone new to work with, who proved to be way more kinder than what he was used to.

However, the bad experiences of the past made him a big people pleaser, always trying to do what he thinks will get him the least amount of punishment and sometimes overworking himself when he feels like he's not doing enough.
He also likes to play over his awkward nature, in order to appear far more posh and regal than he actually is.

In his free time he likes to do slam poetry, collect trinkets and jewelry, tell awful jokes and sometimes just wander about aimlessly and take in the world around him. He'll also end up finding himself in often rather bizarre or lucky situations due to this and his tendency to somehow get involved in things that never even were supposed to involve him in the first place.

Despite his past however, he has kept one thing throughout his life: Optimism.
He's convinced that even the worst situations can lead to good things if you just keep the spirits high and sometimes he's just proven right with this outlook. 

Ranumor is naturally pretty skinny, some would say perhaps even a bit too skinny as he sometimes has trust issues towards food. Through his thick layers of clothing however, he's usually quite protected and looks rather average.

Other little trivia:
-Gets super focused on work sometimes and might blend out distractions. Or People. Or threats.
-He likes finding things and reselling them for profit. Sometimes he'll spot things on markets or actually just straight up find them. Isn't a stranger to dumpster diving or following leads for potential things to sell. Has a very keen eye for jewelry and isn't too bad at cleaning up the things he finds or repairing them for better resale value. Rarely wears jewelry himself, but can sometimes be seen with alternating clips or rings.
-Actually doesn't mind being alone. Doesn't really know what a friend is anyway, but is usually pretty friendly and open, even to strangers. It's not like he would mind having a friend, he just doesn't know how to approach the topic.
-Has a collection of small figurines that depict different notable people and creatures. Some of them are horrendously valuable on the market and it's the only expensive thing he owns, aside his coat.
-Exceptionally good at lying
-Extremely good at trapping, his only downfall being that he's sometimes takes a while to setup a plan, given he values perfection in them.
-He's always been good at organizing and planning, however his extreme need for it to be perfect comes from his fear of being disciplined for something going wrong. This stems from his first boss.
-Decent dancer
-His parents aren't exactly proud of him and always thought he'd go into some sort of engeneering job, instead of getting involved in the rich culture and then later crime. He has no contact with them anymore and actually fears the idea of a reunion.
-A very "go with the flow" type of person, that despite all the planning he does for literally everything else in his life, doesn't think even two seconds ahead about what he himself is doing. He claims that life just throws you curveballs and you kinda have to deal with it.
-Deeply scarred still by his first boss. He doesn't admit to the fact that some things get to him more than others, such as the fear of punishment/messing up, choosing to play over it instead, to keep his hopeful and optimistic nature up.
-After meeting Fusares he kinda fell in love. He's pretty open about the whole thing, but also kinda dumb about what being "in love" even is. And given Fusares is also a bit in the closet about his own feelings for Ranu, he sometimes isn't even sure if this pretty man loves him back or not.