

Name Wilbur “Wub” Kosmo Winslow
Age 22
Gender Male
Species75% Giant Schnauzer, 12.5% jackal, 12.5% wolf

wild . playful . eccentric

Wub is a super cooool dude who is almost always sporting his backwards cap and a dumb grin. He’s a college student, but kind of obnoxious to his classmates in that he loves to record himself rapping over dubstep, in class no less. He has nearly gotten suspended for doing it multiple times, but doesn’t realize he’s bothering people, he just assumes that everyone loves his “skills”.

He also loves astronomy and stargazing, hence the pattern he painted on his right ear gauge of his favorite planet, Saturn.

It is unknown how or why he got his neon markings and the curious rings on his ears, and Wub doesn’t seem to want to say anything about them. Alien abduction is a possibility.

Personality-wise, Wub is a sweet and enthusiastic dude, but can be a tiny bit dull and unable to see the obvious at times. Apparently, when he was younger, a blunt object fell on top of his head.

- Birthday is October 1


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