


26 days, 20 hours ago


Bubbles is a whirlwind of energy wrapped in dragon scales. With an  exuberant personality and a zest for life, he's the embodiment of  playfulness and mischief. His name fits him perfectly, reflecting the  effervescent aura he carries wherever he goes. Despite his mischievous tendencies, Bubbles possesses a heart of gold.  He's fiercely loyal to those he cares about and has a deep sense of  compassion, always ready to lend a claw or a wing to a friend in need.  Beneath his fiery exterior lies a gentle soul, one that values  friendship and kindness above all else. However, Bubble's adventurous spirit often leads him into trouble. He's  a creature of impulse, diving headfirst into situations without a  second thought. His motto seems to be "act first, think later," which  frequently lands him in sticky predicaments. Yet, even in the midst of  chaos, Bubbles maintains an infectious optimism, seeing every obstacle  as just another opportunity for adventure. Despite his penchant for trouble, Bubbles's boundless enthusiasm and  unwavering loyalty make him a cherished companion to those lucky enough  to call him friend. In a world filled with dragons of all shapes and  sizes, Bubbles shines bright as a beacon of joy and goodwill, leaving a  trail of laughter and smiles wherever he goes. 

Likes: Hoarding shiny things, Food, Collecting, going fast 

Dislikes: Bullies, Rudeness, spiders. 

age Young adult