Lena Marlan



1 month, 8 hours ago


Magical name: Patchwork

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 18 (16 in younger design)

Height: 5'10" (5'9" in younger design)

Theme: Sewing

Gender/Sexuality: Trans woman, aro lesbian

From: Living Nightmares

Lena is one of the few surviving members of her magical team, though she  was thought dead for two years. She is naturally optimistic and eager  to do good in the world - she was even glad to become a magical at  first, grateful for the chance to help people. However, as she watched  more and more of her friends get hurt and even killed, she became bitter  and jaded at the fate that ensnared them. She still smiled often, but  it stopped reaching her eyes.

The experiences she had in the two years following her "death" have left  her sardonic and hateful. She still aims to defeat the Beldam and end  her threat to the world, but only to make sure she doesn't win after  everything she's done. However, after being severely overused, her magic  is taking a toll on her and her familiar; she is changing, and she  doesnt know if it is a change she'll survive.