


5 years, 9 months ago



Level: 1 (70/100 exp)

Strength: 3 (3)

Speed: 5 (5)

Magic: 2 (2)

Stamina: 1 (1)

Arpg Stats:

Titles: -

Guild: -

Items: -

Alignment: -

Monster kill count: -

Quests completed: -

An old opelle who has wandered for so long he's forgotten his own name. (bard?)

Personality: A mute opelle with a love of music and a dangerous past. Wayfarer is several thousand years old by now and in his past he worked for the Moonrise kingdom to sabotage Sunglow’s operations. Over time he distanced himself from that work as he lost his voice and most of his memory in a mission gone wrong. Whoever he previously was, he shares no connection with that figure apart from the fact that he’s always on the run. Nowadays he’s a simple fellow who loves to play his flute and seems to not have a care in the world - he’s constantly trying to cheer other opelles up and has a a kind heart for the smallest creatures of the world. Wayfarer is constantly smiling about whatever he thinks about in that head of his. He expresses most of his thoughts through music or, in the times when he really needs to get something said, he’ll write it down. But it seems that most of the time he’s fine just going solo and exploring the realms on his own.

5 Likes: quiet, peace of mind, watching the water go by, his flute, warmth

5 Dislikes: being taunted, having forgotten his past, papercuts, loud noises, lies

Are they offensive or defensive?: Wayfarer is 100% a defensive opelle. He hates having to fight others and will do his best to stay far away from any battles that occur. If he does get stuck in a skirmish, he’ll be hiding in the back, trying his best to support his allies and/or find a good opportunity to flee back into the void and run off to another realm.

He keeps no weapons on him save for his flute and his walking stick, neither of which really count. Wayfarer is an ancient, peaceful being, and while he understands protecting himself and others, he is never the one to start a fight.

What environment do they come from?;; Moonrise’s capital.

Their philosophy/a phrase that describes them;; ‘Tread softly and sing always’

What element are they most associated with?;; Earth - he’s just a very simple, down to earth opelle.

Who or what is their closest companion?: Wayfarer figures he has a deep connection with his flute - a simple, engraved thing he made himself out of a sturdy piece of russet wood. While it seems very easily replaced (and indeed, it probably is), it has followed him on many adventures and it was one of the first things he created after he lost most of his memory. So it holds a very sentimental value for him. He’s often playing some melody or another on it, the only sounds he really makes outside of the occasional loud intake of breath. While he can’t hold a conversation, he can play the most beautiful melodies, and that is more than enough for him.

What is their ideal time of day?;; a soft morning

Do they like or dislike the void realm?;; It’s such a calm, peaceful, wide open space, how could he not like it? It’s a good place to meet other opelles, to practice his flute music, and to get away from his pursuers. The endless darkness might not be all that interesting to look at but if he turned off his glow he could easily hide out there forever. Perhaps while he’s going to a new realm he’ll just drift for a while, watching the endless  darkness and listening to the soft bells of many other opelles. It’s quiet, it’s brilliant, and he loves just listening to it all.