


1 month, 9 hours ago


Name: Arc

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Height: 6 ft. 2 in.

Ability: Arc technically has two abilities, but only one can be used at a time. In his "whole" state, he primarily uses his sword and fists to attack, and has full control over his body. The main downside to this state is that he moves pretty slowly. In his "hollowed" state however, a ball of blue-ish light flies out his head. Once this occurs, the armor will go limp, either falling or slumping over. The orb of light can quickly slash opponents and can fire beams of light. He is also difficult to hit, but it comes at the cost of him dropping all his defense in return for said speed.

Personality: Arc is very quiet and calm most of the time but is quite caring as well. He's unaware of how a lot of modern things work due to being from a different time period; things such as modern machinery and social norms make little sense to him.

Voice: Darkrai (Pokémon)