Doors to Infinity



1 month, 4 days ago


Dimension-hopping is a perilous endeavor, as it causes any soul to become twisted and corrupt - a shell of the former self that causes death and destruction. A man once took it upon himself to build a solution to leave his own world and grasp the wonders beyond, creating a barrier around himself with countless pocket realms upon pocket realms to protect against the deterioration. While indeed he was quite safe, he would be forever contained there. Unable to feel the warmth of the sun. Unable to breathe the crisp morning breeze. As time marches on, eventually decay seeps in as well. And neither a bullet to the head nor a knife to the heart has any real effect on a body no longer physical.


Representative of the 8th outrealm zone, 'Perebia'. A pretty laid-back  guy who can be cynical and sleazy at times. The doors, arms, and eyes  constantly change in and out; he is able to possess single doors as well. Other council representatives often use him as quick transportation, much to his displeasure of being reduced to a tool. He has no real control of his realm, but serves to contain it due to its extreme volatility.

An endless reflection of the self, this outrealm is perceived differently depending on the individual. Given its propensity to reflect only deep fears and compounding despair to render the individual hopeless, one wonders if perhaps the entire outrealm has its own consciousness and desire to cause this phenomenon of suffering. Residents of this place and its Jurisdiction Chair have adapted regardless though may have rather warped states of being.