[4.] Ethan's Comments

Extremely adorable!!


You’re welcome!

This character will be on Art Fight this year btw if you do plan to participate this year!!

I sure do, I didn’t get art or even a thank you from most of the people I drew for, bummer.

Yee, during art fight, you can't really expect everyone to draw for you in return but for me, I usually draw for the people that I think will be fun to draw and it will be completely up to them if they want to return art. As mentioned on my profile.

1 Replies

hi, is this AI? this isn't like your usual art style and I just want 2 know

This is not AI and the artist is PandaH8ze

Also when I was crediting the artist for designing this oc, I accidentally misspelled their name so it put me as the credits. I did go back and change the credits so as soon as the designer accepts the credit, it will change. This is not my art style. -- My apologies for the confusion

Update: The credits has been updated