


26 days, 8 hours ago


Eleumorti, the Freeing Pokemon. The mane around its neck wisps like ghostly flames. Its wickedly sharp front claws are used for crushing obstacles in its path, and attacking enemies. Despite these claws, and its hooves, it can be surprisingly silent when walking.

ABILITY : Pressure 

(HIDDEN ABILITY : Magic Bounce) 

TYPE: Psychic/Ghost 

Eleumorti is one of the native legendary Pokemon of the Surroh Region. its name is taken from the Greek word "eleutheria", meaning freedom/liberty, and the Latin word "mortis", a word relating to death. it is known as the god of freedom, and often, those who have been freed from a trap, or a bad situation of some kind, view it as a blessing from this Pokemon. what little folklore there is about it involves it saving a Pokemon or human from some form of prison or trap. 


(Design Notes: 

- inspiration taken from : a lion, a bat, and a horse

- 3 tufts of fur on top of its head, between ears

- 4 tails

(unsatisfied with the color palette. the pink isn't quite right.))