Melody Holloway



30 days, 1 hour ago


Melody Holloway

(she/her) Cis Female
Ace Bisexual

Main Character
. Likes
  • Blue & Yellow
  • Cats
  • Socializing
  • Plants
. Disikes
  • Moihot Family
  • Fire
  • Darkness
  • Masks
. Trivia
biggest strength can't die easily (Cursed)
biggest weakness shuts down easily
favorite hobby hiking
most skilled at people skills
code by lore
. Design Notes
  • Beads are required (12x each side)
  • Post-3005 face crystals are required as well
  • Soul Bonding mark on left thumb (heart shaped)
  • 5'8 (172.7cm)
smiles even bigger
. Accessory Info
ancient one her shape shifting weapon!
cardigan likes wearing some form of outerwear
small pouch doesn't like carrying things around
communicator it's blue!
design by feathermoths . aesthetic images by n/a with images from unsplash .
Melody is a former leader of the Village of Kiah. She was orignally born in the Village of Spyro, but ultimately took Kiah's blessing and moved there. She was recruited by the previous leader, Bird, and later became leader at the age of 23. During the events of 3005, she got married (soul bonded) with Aubrey Lake - though, after the Fires occured, she got cursed by Ancient One (accidentally picked him up) and separated from Aubrey. She runs away with Brooke Caldwell (more like Brooke takes her to Gaimian Island and doesn't let her return) and she continues to live at Gaimian Island for 11 years.
She's often described as having a "soft" personality. She is endlessly kind and forgiving, and a bit of a pushover at times. She can hold a pretty nasty grudge though. She's a levelheaded person who can stay calm even in the most stressful of situations - this makes her the best person to turn to. She's also very affectionate, but she keeps in mind people's boundaries and won't touch unless she has permission to. But, she's quite sensitive when it comes to the people she loves, which is a large reason why she doesn't discuss her life during and before 3005.
Her mentor and one of the most influential people in her life. Bird taught her many things about being a leader, stressing the importance of being patient and kind.
Met during the events of 3005. The person Melody considers a daughter and one of her closest companions.
Her spouse. One of the people she trusts and loves most in life, but she grows a resentment for them after the events of 3005. Mostly due to a misunderstanding.
Her trusty weapon. Despite him taking away all of her abilities... he's still one of her closest companions who offers advice and protection.
in summary

. backstory
Became leader of Kiah's village at age 23. After the Fires of 3005, she ran away to Gaimian Island with Brooke Caldwell for 11 years.
. personality
Kind, but sensitive to her past.
. relationships
Only keeps a sentient weapon, Ancient One and the person she considers her daughter, Brooke, close. Though, she deeply misses the people of her past, Bird and Aubrey.