Birb gacha [closed]'s Comments

Just popping into say that your designs are absolutely gorgeous!!!!

Aaaaa tysm! :DD

oof wait which ones are still available? :0

2 and 5 are available with 4 pending! :]] 

I'd love to do a roll please! Is PayPal all good?

PayPal's alright! And you rolled birb #2 :]] would you like to keep or reroll? 

I'd love to keep them! :D

Alrighty! Kindly send payment over to [email protected] :]] 

4 Replies

One roll please!

Actually can I just AB 4? Paypal

Help someone just rolled #4 unfortunately:']] il lyk if they do reroll though

Ah.. that was the only one I wanted.. :/ If they don’t take it then I’ll ab but if they do then I won’t be rolling thanks anyways!

I'd like a roll please <3 either paypal or kofi is good for me!!

You got birb #1! Would you like to keep or reroll? 

yess that's perfect !!! It was one of my fav ;o; ♥

I'm glad to hear!! :DD Kindly send payment over to my kofi here

It should be done !! lmk if everything is ok ;v;

I've sent them over! :]] 

1 Replies

I’d love a roll pls!! I can pay via PayPal :>

You got birb #2! Would you like to reroll or keep em? 

Oooo I’ll reroll pls!

You got birb #4! Would you like to keep or reroll? 

Actually I was looking at the designs closer and could I ab for #3! (IGNORE THIS IM DUMB)

WAIT IM STUPID AND CANT COUNT ILL KEEP 4 LOL omg sorry I wasn’t counting the ones already taken and got confused 😭😭😭

3 Replies

id like a roll via paypal please!

You got #6! Would you like to keep the boi or reroll? 

omg yay!!! keep please!!

Kindly send payment over to [email protected] and I'll make  profile for em in the meantime:]] 

all sent!

Sent them over! :]] 

1 Replies

AB #3? (PayPay)

Alrighty! Kindly send your payment over to [email protected] while I set up their profile:]] 

Sent, ty!

I've s'en them over ! 

could i AB #7? <3

Sure thing! Would you like to pay through PayPal or kofi? 

through paypal please! C:

Alrighty! Kindly send payment over to [email protected] and I'll set up their profile:]] 

should be all sent, tysm!!

They should be pending! 

2 Replies