Xyris, the Voidshard Sovereign



28 days, 23 hours ago




The “call of the void,” otherwise known by its French name "l'appel du vide,” refers to the psychological phenomenon where someone feels an otherworldly pull to an act of self-destruction, such as jumping from a high place. If any inhabitants of a universe experience this, it is a warning that the Voidshard Sovereign’s influence has spread to that realm.

Born of the consumption of entire galaxies by the insatiable hunger of black holes, Xyris emerged from the depths of oblivion. His mind is a fractured mosaic of insanity, the combined psyche of all the beings he has devoured. His very essence screams to continue the cycle of chaos, shattering universes and imbedding them into his being, creating a sickening cacophony of consciousness within him.

Despite his eldritch nature, the Voidshard Sovereign bears the silhouette of a normal man, albeit upon closer inspection his body is made not of flesh but of a structure resembling obsidian, giving him the appearance of a crystalline statue. His face, however, is a hard, gray substance that imitates flesh, but with cracks at his sockets holding eyes that look like galaxies; the universes he has shattered.

So why is it, then, that despite the incomprehensible noise that is his fractured psyche - formed of an innumerable number of consciousnesses - Xyris refers to himself as ‘he’? Why does he have one, male voice, and an overall masculine presence?

The answer lies lurking beneath all the crying, clamoring shards of his being; past the countless universes devoured. One must focus on one, barely-remembered life. Living in a world similar to ours, Xyris was a simple but passionate man. No detail that could be given about this man’s life would ever hold a candle to the memories of her. Elara was the love of his life, his reason for living. Some summer nights, they would lay on the grass and gaze up at the stars, pondering their place in the world. This world would be torn from them as an ancient black hole ripped through their universe, consuming all light in its path.

His last words, a cry for the dark star to spare her. His final thoughts, to protect her at all costs. The pleas were swallowed by the black hole, but he held a willpower like no other. The pleas became one with the black hole, and his beloved’s essence was spared, fracturing across universes to begin a cycle of rebirth. Xyris’s will was so strong that he spurred on the big bang of an entity born from the light consumed by the void.

This is all unbeknownst to him as the Voidshard Sovereign; a singular note in the erratic symphony of his mind.

"Ahh, another note in the symphony of chaos." - Voice Claim (Jedah Dohma - David Kaye)


Always floating a few feet off of the ground, Xyris is an extradimensional being who wields control over light, the void, and the concepts of chaos and oblivion.

With just a thought, the Voidshard Sovereign can shatter any form of light (ranging from individuals to entire universes) into fragments, in much the same way a black hole devours light. And just like a black hole, he may devour these shards into the essence of his own being. Those who have been fractured and devoured in this process do not die, per se, but become an intertwined part of Xyris's shattered psyche - which may very well be a fate worse than death.

Additionally, Xyris's mere presence induces chaos in a universe before he even takes any action. The sheer insanity of his psyche is a force like a gravitational pull, causing inhabitants of the realm he visits to forever be psychologically affected as a species. This manifests as the "call of the void." Our world is one such example - it is unknown why he spared our universe so long ago.